Thursday, April 14, 2016



In this version, I have focused on one specific view, the administration building. I followed the idea of framing the view. I placed my building in a way where the main theather building lined up with the stairs. For the entry way, I used similar ground tile as the library to make connection. The building serves as a transition way.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

attempt 2


In this version, I worked on how to connect archive space to the theater spaces. For that, I wanted to create, almost like a corridor, space for only staff- which is separated from the main circulation. However, that space was too large for just circulation. Another problem was the angles didn't have a specific view to focus on. For my next attempt, I will aim to frame the view of administration building, which is at the opposite corner. As for transitional spaces and framing itself, I am using solid- void, as in solid walls for capturing the view and glass walls for the view. For transition between them, I was thinking about using punched openings in between to balance it.

After mid review process- attempt 1


This time, I tried to use the grid of the site as my starting point. I still wanted the corner that was next to the library. The angles are trying to create framing view. In this version, My problem was that I didn't have enough circulation space and I my archive space was not connected to the theaters.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Final Project Process- Heading Towards Mid Review...

Step 1: Defining My Site
Over the trip to Mexico, I had chance to look over the main site. The grid area between the bar on the left and the library is a big transition space. The green area below the stairs is the transition zone between the parking lot and the campus. Using these as my elements for limit, I choose where I wanted to build my building. ( The area which is shown with orange marker).


Step 2: Defining Spaces
My Drawdle from the liminal space analysis has many aspects that I can use to start. I have created this drawdle from multiple sections. The way I rotated above has a good sectional quality. There are two main spaces, two transition spaces and a circulation space. I started to read this by reading from outside to the inside. That is how I got the section on the left.


Step 3: Design Ideas
Since it is a building that is for showing films, I decided the use the techniques that I am most familiar with, based on the short film project that we did: dissolve and fade. I can use these effects both in plans and sections. As for plans, It can be used as transition from one zone to another while on section, I can use it for similar purposes by playing with the ceiling, creating angles. However, I have to be careful how I am using those angles because they also have to be used based on the view that I can get from my building.


Step 4: Sketch and Sketch and Sketch...
During this week, I have tried to find a way to turn my ideas to reality. My challenge was to think everything in actual scale. In all my attempts, I had struggle with using the angles on my plans. That is why, I will add my angles once I figure out how I set up my zones.Towards the end of the week, My plans started to look closer to what I was aiming for, however, now my problem is I am not giving enough circulation space. I am thinking of improving the plans that are on the left because that is how I want to organize my building.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Final Drawdel and Drawing

For my drawdel, I decided to use sections to represent to liminal space, which is the Medical school that is consisted of large columns. It connects the parking lot and the big quad. In order to show the elevational changes, I have lowered some of the areas in my drawing. 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

2D drawing and Drawdel

Before working on drawdel, I worked on the second drawing, which in my case, axonometric drawing that is composed of sections.

I have draft version of the drawing. I personally like the one on the top because each section looks more clear. I am planning to use 3 line weights. The liminal space( which is the medical school with columns) as the darkest, the rest of the section dark and the plan that is underneath as light. I will use this drawing as a reference for the drawdel. 

Monday, February 22, 2016


The next step is to analyze a transitional zone from our site, UNAM Mexico. In order to create this 3D mapping, I have to learn more information about the zone that I have picked. I made a diagrammatic axon, plan and section in order to understand the structure, which is one of the important aspects for this transition. The next step will be several studies with paper in order to represent this transitional zone in 3D way.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Final Result

Just like in first project, I have created posters for each of the films I made. The top one is for the second movie, ' World of Dreams'. It is organized vertically following the time line. Color bar represents the main transition scenes. The one below is for the first movie, 'Escape'. The places that I took video of were random, meaning I didn't follow a specific path. By combining the spaces I have recorded, I have created an imaginary space and draw a floor plan with the key images from the movie.
Down below are the links for both of the movies:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Coming Soon on Friday

My movies are mostly developed. Now, I only need to do some detailed editing.
Layering is one of the main aspects of my films. I have experimented with effects such as fading, transparency, color transition and even rotation. I believe using such effects made my films more dynamic. From now till Friday, I will be working on final editing, mostly transitions and then create my posters that will analyze the topics for each of the films. Here are some screenshots from both of them...

Sunday, February 7, 2016

STEP 2: Creating a Movie

As for the next step, I have to create my own movies. First one is suppose to be more architectural while the other one can be about anything. So, for the first one, I am thinking about transition between enclosed space to open space, or in another words, about claustrophobia.
The second one will be more interesting. By using found footage, I will create a dream world. Basically, It is going to be about what is dream and what is real. Is everything that she sees are just a dream? or, is there a little bit of reality as well? Well, It is up to the audience to figure it out.
" This isn't real..." , Tris, Divergent

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Analysis of the " MOVIE"

After watching the movie several times, as for the next step, I realized that best way to present this is to use series of screen shots and put them in chronological order. Instead of putting them in a linear order, I decided to put them in a way that how the movie affected me. There were so many events going on all at once, so, my challenge was to choose specific scenes that will best explain the movie.

At the top part of the poster, I created a bar that represents the timeline. For the remaining spaces from the screenshots, I drew diagrams that explains the relationship between the actions and the environment. 

Towards the end of the movie, It was all about war scenes. It was a bit difficult for me to pick the appropriate screenshots for it. For instance, I found out that the elephant at the beginning of the movie was repeated at after the war scenes. I thought that it would be a nice way to connect the whole movie together by using that picture. One of my friend suggested that using more explosion scenes could have even better represent the war scene. I believe that it actually can be a good idea, however, as I mentioned before, since it was a really long scene, I had many choices to pick. As a result, presenting the movie in such an organization helps people to understand the movie better.

Friday, January 29, 2016

' A MOVIE' movie?

 'A MOVIE' is a short film by Bruce Conner from 1958. It is the first movie that he as ever produced. It is a type of collage, composed of several famous films. When I first watched this movie, I really got confused. I thought all the scenes had no connection to each other. The beginning of the film was very confusing. It was like if this movie doesn't have any order! For instance, why would you put the sign ' THE END' to the beginning? Why title of the movie is keep appearing? And then there was this sign saying' End of part Four' ?

 After watching this film several times, I realized that it is actually consisted of several parts. Each part has a different music, different environment and different action. The common thing about all of these parts that they were all in outside space. The story for all these different parts are based on human activities. The aim of the film was to show the relationship between human action to the environment. The scene that I found the most interesting was where people doing some movements at the city. Here is a screenshot that I took:
In this scene, these two people are above the city looking downwards while making a rotation.